
Welcome to July!  I have a whole month of exciting and informative articles lined up for this month!  Seriously?  You may ask.  No not seriously I answer. 😛  You should know by now that this is a “knee-jerk” blog at best.

You may have read my article The Jeep – Hurricane Escape Vehicle! where I describe how I took the family grocery getter and turned it into a hurricane escape vehicle (the wife still hates I call it that – scares her).   Hmmm maybe I should do one of those things like “short = height challenged”  “housewife = domestic engineer”.   I’ll have to give that some thought.  (Hurricane escape vehicle = ????).

The first hurricane of the season has formed, entered the Gulf of Mexico and upon learning about my hurricane escape vehicle abruptly took a left turn away from it!  It just proves my point.  You don’t do something you should have.  If you do something you’ll never need to.  Oh well, the Jeep still looks cool. 😀

The dieting industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.  You’ve heard this, you may have even spent a billion dollars trying to lose weight.   Past celebrities lose weight, petal a weight loss product and re-energize their careers!  Don’t get me wrong I’m happy to see these past celebrities.  Most of them are one’s I knew when I was a young adult and I’m happy to see them again.

There have been people out there from the beginning of time telling us what you REALLY have to do to lose weight.  Eat right, exercise etc…  BORING!  Many of you may have tried this and it just didn’t work for you or the weight came back.  You know like the movie sequel announcer says…. “Chucky’s back and he’s pissed!”  Your body likes fat.  It wants it!  It needs it!  Sometime it seems to gather it from thin air.

Unlike all those others that have claimed to have the secret to weight loss before, well I really do!  Send me a billion dollars (a mere fraction as what is spent) and I’ll tell you!  Okay, I’ll tell you anyway, but first some teaser bits.  About two years ago I hit 305 pounds.  At six foot the good old insurance weight height chart said I should weight 185.  I didn’t feel good, and I needed to do something.  Every attempt to lose weight had failed, and the weight came back and added five pounds just to teach me a lesson.  Three years later I am down to 258 pounds with a goal of 225.  (Screw that height/weight chart!)

How I did it was simple.  I’ll give you the readers digest version, then the full detail.

Fat Bastard


Still there?  I call it tough love. 😀

Here is what I did in a nutshell (that just sounds painful and very restrictive).

Eat breakfast! (Don’t skimp have a good breakfast) – I was always nauseous in the morning, and certainly NOT hungry.  I really didn’t get hungry until about 10 AM.  I was nauseous because I ate too late at night and the food wasn’t being digested well as I slept.  Also Sumo wrestlers use the EAT and SLEEP strategy to GAIN weight!!!!   You may find eating breakfast hard to do at first but by day 3 or 4 of following all these steps, you’ll be looking forward to that first meal!!

Eat Lunch! (Have what you want – be full!)  Some people, myself included, try to eat a small lunch (following a NO breakfast).  This is silly since you are either moving around doing things, or sitting at your desk thinking all day.  Both of those activities need calories.  Remember your body is ALWAYS burning calories. Sleeping burns calories!  So eat a good lunch.  Yes you might get sleepy back and work, but power through it.  It will pay off in the end.

Eat a light dinner or skip it for rapid weight loss, and EAT BY 6 PM!!!! You get up, get ready, rush out of the house, deal with traffic, rush to the elevator/stairs, get to your office/cubicle rush rush rush.  Even just mental activity, frustration, anger etc… burn more calories, so just the act of getting to work, or dropping of f the kids, etc… your body needs calories to burn.  This is why you need to eat that breakfast.  You need those calories to continue after lunch.  Once you are home for the evening you are probably sitting still, watching TV, reading a book.  Low activity, and more restful.  Lower calories needed.  If you’ve been starving yourself all day this would be the perfect time for your body to mount a revolt and you find yourself unhinging your jaw, lifting the refrigerator and emptying the contents into your eagerly awaiting mouth then stomach!  This is how I came up with the term “I don’t like people to watch me feed!”

By 6 PM you don’t need as many calories, so don’t add a bunch to your body.  Eating by 6 PM allows your body several hours to digest the food and burn off the calories you have eaten during the day.  You are shooting for two digit hours between dinner and breakfast.  About 10 to 12 hours.  Like I said above, by day 3 or 4 you’ll be really looking forward to that breakfast meal.

Now of course I’m no doctor, I’m just a guy that has lost weight, and continuing to do so.  This may or may not work for you and I guess for some people it could even be dangerous.  So if you try this diet you need to know you are putting the full responsibility of your actions on YOUR SHOULDERS.  I know strange that anyone would consider what they do being their own responsibility these days.  See your doctor’s approval on all of this prior to doing it.

One trick I did was when I was trying to skip dinner would be to eat a cup of rice.  Rice is very filling and with butter and salt it is very good.  I have also found shelled peanuts to be a great source of hunger suppression.  They are high in protein and I can’t just pop them in my mouth.  I have to break open the shells, remove that nasty brown paper-thin crap, and then enjoy a small amount of food.  They are really good with tea, sitting in front of the TV.  There are problems with eating too much rice, or salty peanuts.

So that’s the trick, which isn’t really a trick.  It’s the same thing your Mother has been telling you for YEARS!  You just don’t like it and you want to find some other “special” pain free way of losing weight.  It doesn’t exist, and I suspect when it finally does (drugs) the side effects will be quite bad.  There isn’t a great deal of pain involved in this process.  The most you’ll have to get used to is the light or no dinner, and the lack of 10 PM to midnight snacks.

I have to admit that breakfast is probably the most difficult aspect of this diet.  Not eating it, but fixing it.  I like to sleep as late as possible to go to work.  This doesn’t leave a bunch of time to prepare breakfast, much less eat it.  For the last three years my lovely wife has been getting up when I do, fixing my breakfast and lunch.  Packing it and having it ready for me as I walk out the door!  It’s a lot of work, and since she’s a stay at home Mom she has no real reason to get up that early other than to fix my food.  It isn’t something I asked her to do, but she does it happily because she want’s me to lose the weight and be there will them for years and years.  I was very lucky to find such a wonderful, thoughtful, and beautiful woman that could stand my presents for longer than a few minutes.

If you try this diet, or have been doing it prior to this article, I would like to hear from you and what your results have been!

Oh and if you have a billion dollars I accept PayPal, in fact I’d probably own PayPal if you paid me.