Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend - Family
Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend – Family

Today started off pretty uneventful.  I woke up at the crack of 9:30 AM stayed up for a couple of hours, then laid back down and slept till 1 PM.  First things first.  I know Alison Rosen (Alison Rosen Is My New Best Friend) was having her show today, just not sure when.  She is in California for the Memorial Day weekend visiting her parents.  So this show would be extra special since it would, or should, have her parents on the show.  I follow Dr. Rosen (Alison’s Dad) on Twitter and I was anxious to put a face with the person I had been exchanging bad jokes with.  It was great.  It was really funny watching him and Alison interact.  As I suspected her gift of gab sure appears to have come from him.  Alison’s Mom was very nice, as you would expect and very youthful in appearance.  Tobey was more interested in being entertained that entertaining.  I grabbed this shot near the end of Alison’s show.           

Simple Meal
Simple Meal


 Shortly after Alison’s show ended I went downstairs to fix a Sunday evening dinner.  I had gone to the store earlier to pick up a few items.  My wife often tells me how impressed she was that I fixed her a meal some eighteen years ago when we were dating.  I just thought I was fixing something to eat didn’t think anything of it being anything special but it was very special to her.  So I told her this past week I would do it again.  I waited to late in the day Saturday to do it then, so it was do or die Sunday.  I had been looking for a good Mexican Chicken Tortilla recipe.  Everything I found seem to have “Cream of Mushroom” soup in it and that didn’t sound very Mexican-y to me!  I finally gave in and fixed a good old stand by, fried chicken, smashed potatoes and green beans.        

I was very surprised to hear comment from one of my teen aged girls indicating her surprise that I had fixed a meal.  I guess we all get used to our same family members providing for us and have a tendency to forget just how long they’ve been there taking care of us.  I’ve always been blessed with the feeling that I can do anything I want to do, of course wanting to do it has always been the biggest problem. 😉   After doing a bit of clean up after the meal I came back up stairs.  I just wanted to sit down.  My legs were uncomfortable from standing for, I guess a couple of hours.  It sure felt good to sit  down.       

Alison Rosen Tweet
Alison Rosen Tweet


 I was checking my various Internet avenues of entertainment when I noticed this “tweet” from Alison Rosen.  Alison had been on Olivia Wilder’s show a few weeks ago.  Olivia’s show is very much like a radio talk and viewer call in show, but it’s 100% Internet.  Alison was her guest and Olivia asked questions and the audience could call in and speak with Olivia and Alison.  I did my typical thing, hang out in the chat room making observational comments that at least I thought were funny.  Turns out some on this “new” chat room did as well.  So when Alison posted this tweet, I was happy to give a listen and see if the one show I had heard before was a fluke, or it was good because Alison was the guest. 😀 

Private Chefs of Beverly Hills
Private Chefs of Beverly Hills


 I clicked on the link in Alison’s tweet and after a few failed attempts to sign on I was into the chat room.  Olivia was talking with Manouschka Guerrier.  First off I’m horrible with names and if it isn’t a common name well forget it.  This certainly wasn’t a common name, at least to me.  Through listening to the program I found out that Manouschka was on the Food Network show “Private Chefs of Beverly Hills”     This was my first time hearing Manouschka Guerrier, so I didn’t know what to expect.  She was very funny, very talkative and just plain fun.  It wasn’t very long before I found out she was reading the posts in the chat window as she made comment on something that I had said.      

Manouschka Guerrier
Manouschka Guerrier

Fortunately she found it funny and it was a positive comment.  This was bad, very bad, I now knew two things.  One, she could see what I was typing.  Two, she thought what I was saying was funny.  So for the next almost two hours I entertained myself by enjoying the interview, and interacting with the guest and the host.  Manouschka is a name I now remember, but don’t ask me how to spell it just yet.  I am having a very hard time understanding how I could be entertained by sitting in front of a screen watching a one sided interview!  It still happens but being able to interact with the participants is a much richer experience. 

The Internet is going to change everything in our daily lives.  It is ten times more fun interacting with people that I would have no chance doing so otherwise.  I am also finding out first hand how many truly talented people there are out there.  It really is a crap shoot as to who is placed before us for our approval, or sneers.  The Internet not only gives us a voice that can be heard by hundreds of millions, and soon billions, but it also allows us to find these people like Alison Rosen, Manouschka Guerrier, and Olivia Wilder.  It is true that both Alison and Manouschka can been seen on Television, but I love the detail of a person’s personality that you only get when you spend hours with them and with the exception of the movie “The Truman Show” TV doesn’t show hours of one person.  I never thought I would enjoy reality shows, but in a way that’s exactly what I am doing.  I am finding people that are fun, funny, and interesting. 

During Olivia’s show Manouschka had mentioned that Private Chefs of Beverly Hills had just started, so after Olivia’s show ended I rushed downstairs and put the pay TV on the Food channel.  I went to my wife and when Manouschka appeared on the screen I said “I was just chatting with her on line!”  Something a spouse always likes to hear! 😀  I told her about Olivia’s show and some of the shenanigans that had gone on.  She laughed and I enjoyed the rest of Private Chefs.         

You can follow Alison Rosen on twitter
You can follow Manouschka Guerrier on twitter
You can follow Olivia Wilde on twitter
2 thoughts on “More Internet Fun, Fixing the Family a meal…”
  1. If you thought Manouschka was hilar on that interview, you definitely need to check out her website at (and pick up a recipe or two to suprise your wife with) 🙂

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