Perhaps I am slow to this realization party but I am surprised how the Internet is being used to start careers. It made sense to me how it could be used to promote careers in the media. I remember back in 1995 when I was setting up Internet access, e-mail, website, etc… for the company that I worked. I was dumbfounded that for so little money our company had access to a world wide audience.
Radio stations had to invest thousands of dollars in equipment, tower(s), antennas, FCC licenses and RF interaction impact studies. It was a great and expensive effort. Television stations even more so. Video really requires much more radio frequency (RF) energy to provide a clear signal on the maximum number of televisions. For that massive investment they were only able to reach a small portion of the population. Networks were able to reach a much larger number of people but they had to share this with the local stations. Not so with the Internet! For $20 a month and a $300 computer you can promote yourself world wide!
As we move further and further down this Internet trail the distinction between huge expensive multi-million dollar radio and TV stations is being blurred by talented individuals with access to high quality low cost electronics, and extremely fast Internet connections. (The U.S. Internet connection speeds still pale by Japan’s standards).
Now as we all know people and companies can be successful even if they don’t have talent or a decent product. They just have to promote, promote, promote! American 0nline comes to mind. All those commercials, and all those free CD’s! If you put a person with talent and the will to succeed melded with the Internet you really have something!
Case and point Manouschka Guerrier. I ran across Ms. Guerrier through another Internet sensation Olivia Wilder, on the Olivia Wilder’s show. Olivia has a talk show on blogtalk radio. The best way to find out about Olivia’s shows is to “LIKE” her fan page on Facebook. Just click this link! Manouschka was on Olivia Wilder’s show promoting her website Single Serving and her Food Network TV show “Private Chefs Of Beverly Hills“. Manouschka is one of six chefs on the show.
They are hired by high society types to prepare swanky meals. I was able to catch the last show of the first season. It was very good, and I’m a guy that enjoys things blowing up! (No chemical explosions in the show!) About the only thing that blew up was Manouschka when the client decided to change the menu on her the other chef an hour before the food was to be served! There were three segments, each with two chefs. I enjoyed each of the segments, but of course I had a special interest in the segment that Manouschka was in due to my recent interaction with her on Olivia Wilder’s show. I was very disappointed to find out that was the last show of the first season. Since that time our digital video recorder has been patiently waiting for the next season of “Private Chefs of Beverly Hills” to begin. Which it will begin, FINALLY!, this coming Tuesday, October 12th, on the Food Network Channel. 9 PM Central Time.
Yesterday Manouschka posted a link on her Facebook page of a recent interview she did. You can read it here. I was very surprised to learn that she is not a classically trained chef. She managed to land a part in this series because of her Internet blog (weblog) and of course her personality and talent. If you’ve been watching television for the last few years, you’ll know that there are a lot of people that have talent, they just need the right exposure, Kelly Clarkson from “American Idol” for example. Kelly made it into show business the more traditional way, she did it with talent and the old media, television. Manouschka started out as a model, actress, and then did what she really enjoyed, cooking. Using the power of the Internet Manouschka (and a few of her friends – Michael Kallio, Shannon Pope) made a video to promote her and her cooking ability. Here is the video from her youtube site.
I saw this video for the first time last night. It is easy for me to see her star quality from this video. I recommend visiting her youtube site and watching the other videos that she has posted. Take a moment to subscribe to her channel as well! One of the things that has impressed me the most about Manouschka is how down to Earth, and willing to say what is on her mind. Wait let me back up and be honest here. The MOST important thing that impressed me was her sense of humor. She thought I was hilarious with my comments in Olivia Wilder’s show “chat room”. So obviously that means she has a good sense of humor! 😀 As I got to know more and more about her I was impressed for less superficial reasons. Her love of family, home, and her Haitian culture.
She never fails to respond to my silly comments on her Facebook page, and is happy to share information about her life and upcoming appearances. It is truly special feeling to have the opportunity to get to know someone that you can also watch on TV. It’s like having a friend succeed and being able to share their happiness and success. Not only can you enjoy the person for their showmanship, but because you have a little background information (or a lot) they become a real person that you are watching. Subtle looks, or comments that might elude a deeper meaning now take on more significance.
Reality shows are all the rage, which I refuse to watch. However, I have stumbled into a much better reality show. A real person on the Internet that just happens to be on a TV show. Yes a reality show. 😉 With interesting characters, like Manouschka, I am better able to understand the public’s interest in reality shows. Being able to know more about the people you are watching really is a new dimension in entertainment which I firmly believe will become richer and deeper as time goes on. I can’t help but wonder at what cost to the person(s) that we are watching though.
Manouschka read my article and had some very nice very public things to say about it!
Here is another very informative interview about Manouschka Guerrier “7 Questions w/Beverly Hills Chef Manouschka Guerrier”
Manouschka has a new video!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Derek Wayne, Tony Muckleroy. Tony Muckleroy said: New Blog Post – Internet Celebrity Manouschka Guerrier […]
[…] = "";reddit_title = "";reddit_newwindow="1"; I have written a prior article about Manouschka Guerrier. Well she sent me this video via Facebook last night, and she is just […]